Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Aug 31, 2010

More Noted Things

Saul David,"Tall tales from history: Are historians best placed to write historical fiction?" Independent, 13 August, searches the fashion of historians publishing historical fiction.

"Das Lied der Deutschen," The Economist, 5 August, reviews Ruth H. Sanders's German: Biography of a Language.

The William James Centennial:

  • Linda Simon, curator,"‘Life Is In The Transitions', William James, 1842-1910", a web version of a Houghton Library exhibit at Harvard College.
  • Paula Marantz Cohen,"Life's Work: William James, 100 years later," Smart Set, 2010.
  • Robert Richardson,"Why William James Matters," Daily Beast, 25 August.
  • Jill Lepore,"The Uprooted," New Yorker, 6 September, reviews Isabel Wilkerson's The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration and Richard Wright's 12 Million Black Voices: A Folk History of the Negro in the United States. See also, the accompanying slide show:"Life on the South Side," New Yorker, 6 September.

    Finally, because of staff turmoil at the Virginia Quarterly Review, the University announced yesterday that the Review's winter issue has been put on hold.

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    More Comments:

    Jonathan Dresner - 8/31/2010

    The historical fiction by historians article comes at a very sensitive time for me: I've been plowing through a bunch of youth-oriented historical fiction set in Japan and it's not been a satisfying process.

    I'm very close to the breaking point: I might actually have to start trying to write something myself.