Blogs > Liberty and Power > Appalling Report on the Border Patrol

Sep 7, 2010

Appalling Report on the Border Patrol

The New York Times for August 29, 2010, ran an appalling report on the activities of the Border Patrol along the Canadian border, entitled"Border Sweeps in North Reach Miles into U.S." Below are just two paragraphs, but the entire article is worth reading:

ROCHESTER — The Lake Shore Limited runs between Chicago and New York City without crossing the Canadian border. But when it stops at Amtrak stations in western New York State, armed Border Patrol agents routinely board the train, question passengers about their citizenship and take away noncitizens who cannot produce satisfactory immigration papers.

The little-publicized transportation checks are the result of the Border Patrol's growth since 9/11, fueled by Congressional antiterrorism spending and an expanding definition of border jurisdiction. In the Rochester area, where the border is miles away in the middle of Lake Ontario, the patrol arrested 2,788 passengers from October 2005 through last September.

More Comments:

William J. Stepp - 9/8/2010


Robert Higgs - 9/7/2010

Papiere, Bitte!