Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Sep 8, 2010

More Noted Things

Gideon Rachman,"Sweep economists off their throne," Financial Times, 6 September, calls on historians to put economists in their place.

Tom Nealon,"De Condimentis (1)," hilowbrow, 7 September, launches a series of posts about the history of condiments.

Dylan Loeb McClain,"A New Theory on the Origin of the Lewis Chessmen," Gambit, 7 September, looks at renewed debate about the origins of the ancient carved chess pieces.

Scott Jaschik interviews Gary M. Lavergne, the author of Before Brown: Heman Marion Sweatt, Thurgood Marshall and the Long Road to Justice for IHE, 8 September.

Ben Yagoda,"Trial and Eros," American Scholar, Autumn, assesses the struggle over the censorship of D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterly's Lover.

Julian E. Zelizer,"How Much Do We Learn From the First Cut of History?" Nation, 7 September, assesses the usefulness of the"election narrative".

Finally, farewell to Anthony John R. Russell-Wood, a Latin Americanist at Johns Hopkins.

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