Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday's Notes

Sep 10, 2010

Friday's Notes

Laura Miller,"The trouble with Google Books," Salon, 9 September, finds much wrong with the project.

Garry Wills pays tribute to Bernard Knox in the NYRB, 30 September. Wills is, you recall, firstly a classicist.

Wendy Buonaventura's"The serpentine story of Arab dance," Guardian, 9 September, is a lovely slide show.

Michael Dirda reviews Helen Vendler's Dickinson: Selected Poems and Commentaries for the Washington Post, 9 September.

Gabriel Josipovici,"Graham and all the Greenes," TLS, 8 September, reviews Jeremy Lewis's Shades of Greene: One generation of an English family.

There's a growing list of historians who repudiate David Frum's NYT review of Laura Kalman's Right Star Rising: A New Politics, 1974-1980: Mary Dudziak, Stan Katz, John Fea, ...

Janet Maslin,"He Was So Much Older Then," NYT, 9 September, reviews Sean Wilentz's Bob Dylan in America.

Farewell to Elizabeth Jenkins, an accomplished British novelist and popular historian.

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