Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Sep 11, 2010

Weak Endnotes

Daniel de Vise,"Virginia Quarterly Review staffer died by his own hand, but he reached out first," Washington Post, 9 September, is more informative than Julie Bosman,"A Suicide Leaves a Literary Journal and Its Editor in Limbo," NYT, 10 September. See also: Carolyn Kellogg,"The Virginia Quarterly Review, part 1: A suicide rocks the esteemed literary journal," LA Times: Jacket Copy, 2 September, and Kellogg,"The Virginia Quarterly Review, part 2: Forging a future, now in jeopardy," LA Times: Jacket Copy, 2 September.

Souren Melikian,"The Majesty of Raphael in London," NYT, 10 September, reviews"Raphael. Cartoons and Tapestries for the Sistine Chapel," an exhibit at London's Victoria and Albert Museum.

Brendan Simms,"Salvation in Small Steps," WSJ, 10 September, reviews Samuel Moyn's The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History.

Beau Friedlander for the LA Times, 5 September, and Issdandr el Amrani,"Darkness visible: a literary trip down the Nile," The National, 9 September, review Dan Morrison's The Black Nile: One Man's Amazing Journey Through Peace and War on the World's Longest River.

Howard W. French reviews William T. Vollmann's Kissing the Mask: femininity in Japanese culture for The National, 9 September.

William Boyd,"'Must We Dream Our Dreams?'" Guardian, 11 September, visits Elizabeth Bishop's years in Brazil.

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