Blogs > Cliopatria > 20th Century Notes

Sep 12, 2010

20th Century Notes

Jonathan Yardley reviews Richard Overy's 1939: Countdown to War for the Washington Post, 12 September.

Jacob Heilbron,"The 38th Parallel," NYT, 8 September, and William Stueck for the Washington Post, 12 September, review Bruce Cumings's The Korean War: A History.

Sam Anderson,"Big Sometimes Friendly Giant," NYM, 5 September, and Kathryn Hughes for the Guardian, 11 September, review Donald Sturrock's Storyteller: The Authorized Biography of Roald Dahl.

James Campbell,"Sorrow Wears and Uses Us," NYT, 8 September, reviews James Baldwin's The Cross of Redemption, ed., by Randall Kenan.

Charles Taylor,"Bob Dylan sings the songs of America," LA Times, 5 September, reviews Sean Wilentz's Bob Dylan in America.

Finally, farewell to William H. Goetzmann of the University of Texas, a distinguished historian of the West; and to Ronald W. Walters of Howard University and the University of Maryland, an expert in African American politics.

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