Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

Sep 16, 2010

Thursday's Notes

  • The Giant's Shoulders #27, the history of science carnival, is up at Entertaining Research.
  • Four Stone Hearth #101, the anthropology/archaeology carnival, is up at Sapien Games.
  • Arthur Krystal,"Hello, Beautiful: What We Talk About When We Talk About Beauty," Harper's, 10 September, reviews Umberto Eco's History of Beauty.

    Ari Kelman,"Sacred Remake," Tablet, 15 September, tracks the recording history of the beloved Kol Nidre.

    Itamar Rabinovich,"Promises to Keep," Tablet, 15 September, reviews Jonathan Schneer's The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

    John Gooch,"The skies of 1940," TLS, 15 September, reviews Malcolm Brown's Spitfire Summer: When Britain stood alone, James Holland's The Battle of Britain: Five months that changed history, May–October 1940, Richard Overy's The Battle of Britain Experience, Leo McKinstry's Hurricane: Victor of the Battle of Britain, and Anthony J. Cumming's The Royal Navy and the Battle of Britain.

    Mark Feldstein,"Nixon White House Plotted to Kill Columnist," Daily Beast, 15 September, is an excerpt from Feldstein's new book, Poisoning the Press: Richard Nixon, Jack Anderson, and the Rise of Washington's Scandal Culture.

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