Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Sep 18, 2010

Weak Endnotes

The World University Rankings,"Top 200 World Universities," THE, 16 September. See also: Jeevan Vasagar,"Top 100 universities: British institutions perform badly in league," Guardian, 16 September.

Blake Gopnik for the Washington Post, 17 September, reviews"Arcimboldo, 1526-1593: Nature and Fantasy," an exhibit at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. See also: The many faces of Giuseppe Arcimboldo's work, a slide show.

Edward Rothstein,"Forget What You Know of Twain, Then Delight in Your Rediscovery," NYT, 17 September, reviews Hartford, Connecticut's Mark Twain House & Museum and"Mark Twain: A Skeptic's Progress," an exhibit at Manhattan's Morgan Library & Museum.

Anatol Lieven,"Reexamining Russian History," National Interest, 15 September, considers the complexity of Russia's coming to grips with its history.

Steven Strogatz,"Fibbing with Numbers," NYT, 17 September, reviews Charles Seife's Proofiness: The Dark Arts of Mathematical Deception.

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