Blogs > Cliopatria > History Carnival XII

Jul 15, 2005

History Carnival XII

The new History Carnival is up at Mode for Caleb. Thanks to everyone who submitted nominations!

The next History Carnival will be hosted on August 1 by Will Franklin at WILLisms. Send nominations to willisms[at]gmail[dot]com.

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Sharon Howard - 7/15/2005

I've just noticed that the History Carnival has just passed its six-month anniversary. Which seems a good moment to say thank you to all the people who have helped to make it a success, by hosting it, writing great material that's been included in it, and by nominating your own work or that of others. Oh, and a special mention to Jonathan and Ralph for their work plugging the Carnivals and getting them noticed by the big guns.

You've all been great.