Blogs > Cliopatria > Midweek Notes

Oct 13, 2010

Midweek Notes

Robert Darnton,"Can We Create a National Digital Library?" NYRB, 28 October, is his opening talk for a Harvard conference on the subject. See also: Darnton,"A Library Without Walls," NYRBlog, 4 October.

Jonathan Yardley reviews Gordon Campbell's Bible: The Story of the King James Version, 1611-2011 for the Washington Post, 10 October.

James Buchan reviews Peter Watson's The German Genius: Europe's Third Renaissance, the Second Scientific Revolution and the Twentieth Century for the Guardian, 9 October.

Angus MacQueen reviews Orlando Figes's Crimea: The Last Crusade for the Guardian, 9 October.

Michelle Goldberg,"History Lesson," Tablet, 12 October, looks at Glenn Beck's reliance on David Barton's expertise about the Founding Fathers.

Joseph Berger,"The Ghetto, the Nazis and One Small Boy," Lens, 12 October, probes the mystery in a photograph of the roundup at the Warsaw ghetto.

Geoffrey O'Brien,"The Grandest Duke," NYRB, 28 October, reviews Harvey G. Cohen's Duke Ellington's America and"The Duke Box," a boxed set of eight compact discs.

James Champ,"The uncertainties of writing a historical novel," The National, 12 October, rehearses uncertainties about his vocation.

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More Comments:

Andrew D. Todd - 10/19/2010

Here is my take on the subject, with some details of implementation. (Comment #53 in case the link doesn't translate properly)