Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Oct 20, 2010

More Noted Things

Tom Bartlett,"Alan Sokal, the 1996 Hoaxer, Takes Aim at an Accused Plagiarist at Rutgers," CHE, 14 October, looks at accusations against a Rutgers political scientist. I'd say: guilty as charged.

Adam Kirsch,"Counter-Revelations," Tablet, 19 October, reviews Robert Alter's new rendition of The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, A Translation with Commentary.

Alastair Blanshard,"What lies beneath," The Australian, 6 October, reviews a new edition of Antonio Beccadelli's The Hermaphrodite, Holt Parker, ed. and trans.

Elizabeth Scott-Baumann,"What Caliban really had for dinner," TLS, 13 October, reviews Joan Fitzpatrick, ed., Renaissance Food from Rabelais to Shakespeare: Culinary readings and culinary histories, Sarah Moss's Spilling the Beans: Eating, cooking, reading and writing in British women's fiction, 1770–1830, and Henry Notaker's Printed Cookbooks in Europe, 1470-1700: A bibliography of early modern culinary literature. Louis Bayard reviews Bill Bryson's At Home: A Short History of Private Life for the Washington Post, 17 October.

Don Patterson, the author of Reading Shakespeare's Sonnets: A New Commentary, sketches its argument in the Guardian, 16 October.

J. R. McNeill,"Malarial mosquitoes helped defeat British in battle that ended Revolutionary War," Washington Post, 18 October, argues that American rebels had allied pests.

Barry Schwabsky,"Old Vagabond," Nation, 13 October, reviews Gauguin," an exhibit at London's Tate Modern.

Sean O'Brien,"Seventies Britain - nasty, brutish and long?" TLS, 13 October, reviews Gerard DeGroot's The Seventies Unplugged: A kaleidoscopic look at a violent decade and Dominic Sandbrook's State of Emergency: The way we were: Britain, 1970–74.

Charles Horner,"A Born Controversialist," WSJ, 9 October, David Brooks,"The Professor Goes to Washington," NYT, 16 October, John Avlon,"We Need More Moynihans," Daily Beast, 18 October, and Hendrik Hertzberg,"Politics and Prose," New Yorker, 26 October, review Steven Weisman, ed., Daniel Patrick Moynihan: A Portrait in Letters of an American Visionary.

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