Blogs > Cliopatria > 2010 Cliopatria Award Nominations: Best Group Blog

Dec 1, 2010

2010 Cliopatria Award Nominations: Best Group Blog

Look for the announcement of the winners in January at Cliopatria

Please submit, in comments below, your nominations for the best history group blog since 1 December 2009. [registration not required to post nominations, but the usual rules of civility and conduct still apply] Nominations will be accepted from November 1st through 30th.

Please include a URL for the blog you are nominating, as well as the name of the blog. You may nominate as many blogs as you wish in this category, and you may nominate individual blogs or bloggers or posts in other categories as well.

If you want ideas of blogs or writers to nominate, see the History Blogroll or past editions of the History Carnival or its related carnivals.

Bloggers do not need to be academic historians. If you're not sure whether a blog or blogger qualifies as"history," nominate them anyway and the judges will make a final determination. If you have questions, feel free to contact Ralph Luker or leave a comment here.

Judging Committee: Jonathan Dresner (Chair), Joseph Adelman, Lucy Inglis.
[Judges are ineligible to win awards they are judging, but feel free to nominate them for something else!]

Navigation: 2010 Nomination Index, Best Group Blog, Best Individual Blog, Best New Blog, Best Post, Best Series of Posts, Best Writer, Previous Winners

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More Comments:

Jonathan Dresner - 12/1/2010

Nominations are now closed. Winners will be posted here when they are announced at the AHA in January

Virginia Jackson - 11/29/2010

I nominate the Disunion Blog from The New York Times, in which writers like Harold Holzer, Jamie Malanowski, Ted Widmer, Adam Goodheart and others are is presenting the story of Civil War as it unfolds:

Ellen Ganley - 11/27/2010
Blog dedicated to documenting a little known piece of Alaska history as it's being discovered.

Barbara Connor - 11/24/2010

I am guessing that a blog by two writers would count for best group blog, and so I am nominating "The Two Nerdy History Girls." It may not be as deep as some of the other nominations, but these two ladies come up with wonderful daily history briefs with great pictures that I look forward to reading every morning.

david meadows - 11/23/2010

incredible group blog dealing with issues relating to the site of pompeii

Curtis Carter - 11/22/2010
Classical Cohors Offical Club Blog

Rick Johannsen - 11/21/2010

Shogun-ki: Japanese History Blog

Ralph E. Luker - 11/19/2010

I nominate U.S. Intellectual History.

Suzanne Fischer - 11/17/2010

Fredericksburg Remembered,

Elizabeth Kerri Mahon - 11/15/2010

Again, I have two nominations, one if for The History Hoydens blog (, as well as The Risky Regencies (

ciara - 11/15/2010

Best Group Blog nomination: Pue's Occurrences

- 11/15/2010

Pue's Occurrences for best group History blog

Mark - 11/15/2010

My nomination is The New History Lab's blog:


Ralph E. Luker - 11/9/2010

I nominate Wonders & Marvels.

craig - 11/9/2010

an interesting and informative investigation of the philosophical underpinnings of the american founding

Adam Crymble - 11/8/2010

I'd like to nominate Active, a new group blog that already has a loyal following in its first year.

The blog focuses on connecting historical research with our understanding of the present and has a large number of contributers, mostly in the "new scholars" category.

Larry Cebula - 11/7/2010

A really compelling group blog focused on historic preservation, and an exciting model of a blog attached to an organization:

Michael - 11/6/2010


Kristen - 11/5/2010

PhD Octopus:

Tim Polack - 11/4/2010

American Creation

Katy F. - 11/3/2010

Had to nominate these ladies too. Two Nerdy History Girls:

Katy F - 11/3/2010

I nominate The Historical Society:

Angie Van De Merwe - 11/3/2010

American Creation, best group blog

Scott Case - 11/3/2010

I hereby nominate American Creation as the best group blog. The folks over there have assembled a strong and diverse cast of writers who represent all angles of their blog's topic. I admire their dedication and zeal for early American history and have enjoyed their quest to be fair with the history.

Katrina Gulliver - 11/3/2010

I would like to nominate as best group blog.