Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

Nov 11, 2010

Thursday's Notes

  • Carnival of Genealogy XCIX is up at Creative Gene.
  • CV, the"Abnormal Edition," of Four Stone Hearth, the anthropology/archaeology carnival, is up at Abnormal Interests.
  • P. N. Furbank,"Misreading Gulliver's Travels," TLS, 10 November, argues that Swift's satirical novel is a defense of humanity.

    Duncan Wu,"Fitting that thy secrets be sung," THE, 11 November, reviews R. S. White's John Keats: A Literary Life.

    The National Archives exhibit,"Discovering the Civil War," appears in two parts. ‘Part One: Beginning' opened on 30 April and was reviewed by Edward Rothstein. ‘Part Two: Consequences' opened yesterday and is reviewed by Philip Kennicott.

    Stephen Wade reviews Hugh Gault's Living History: A Family's 19th Century for the THE, 11 November.

    Amanda Foreman,"Antonia Fraser on Her Wild Marriage," Daily Beast, 8 November, reviews the historian's memoir of her marriage to Harold Pinter.

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