Blogs > Cliopatria > Monday's Noted Things

Nov 15, 2010

Monday's Noted Things

Ed Dante,"The Shadow Scholar," CHE, 12 November, is the pseudonymous report of a ghost writer for your students.

Sarah Bakewell,"What Bloggers Owe Montaigne," Paris Review, 12 November, argues that he is our greatest forerunner.

Michael Kenney reviews Alan Taylor's The Civil War of 1812: American Citizens, British Subjects, Irish Rebels, & Indian Allies for the Boston Globe, 13 November.

David Greenberg,"Sweet land of liberty - and empire," Washington Post, 14 November, reviews Aziz Rana's The Two Faces of American Freedom.

Michael Kazin,"Labor's Lost Love," Washington Post, 14 November, reviews Philip Dray's There is Power in a Union: The Epic Story of Labor in America.

Dominic Shellard,"Hey, gang! Let's put on a show!" THE, 11 November, reviews Larry Stempel's Showtime: A History of the Broadway Musical Theater.

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