Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Dec 4, 2010

Weak Endnotes

Biblical Studies Carnival #57 is up at Religion Bulletin.

Patricia Cohen,"Digital Keys for Unlocking the Humanities' Riches," NYT, 17 November; and Cohen,"Analyzing Literature by the Words, but Also the Numbers, NYT, 3 December, are the first two parts in Cohen's series on the digital humanities.

Kevin Canfield,"Long History of Celebrity," Daily Beast, 3 December, reviews Tom Payne's Fame: What the Classics Tell Us About Our Cult of Celebrity, Elizabeth Currid-Halkett's Starstruck: The Business of Celebrity, and Fred Inglis's A Short History of Celebrity.

Souren Melikian,"At the Louvre, Vivid and Varied Imaginings of Antiquity," NYT, 3 December, reviews"L'Antiquité rêvée," an exhibit at the Louvre in Paris.

Scott McLemee,"A precarious ideal: the history of human rights," The National, 3 December, reviews Samuel Moyn's The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History.

Francis Wilson,"Sister Act," Literary Review, December, reviews Craig A. Monson's Nuns Behaving Badly: Tales of Music, Magic, Art & Arson in the Convents of Italy.

Eamon Duffy,"A Hero of the Church," NYRB, 23 December, reviews John Cornwell's Newman's Unquiet Grave: The Reluctant Saint.

Patrick Hennessey,"The Flesh and Blood Behind the AK-47," NYT, 2 December, and Richard Overy,"Have Gun, Will Travel," National Interest, Nov/Dec, review C. J. Chivers's The Gun.

Jochen Hellbeck,"The Maximalist: On Vasily Grossman," Nation, 20 December, revisits the Russian novelist.

Alan Jenkins,"Larkin's letters to Monica," TLS, 1 December, reviews Philip Larkin's Letters to Monica, edited by Anthony Thwaite.

[Aaron Bady],"Julian Assange and the Computer Conspiracy; ‘To destroy this invisible government'," zunguzungu, 29 November, is a must read.

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