Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Lunatic Plea For Gold

Jan 12, 2011

The Lunatic Plea For Gold

Reporter: Mr. President, is it still the desire of the United States to go back on the international gold standard?
Pres. Franklin Roosevelt: Absolutely.
FDR Press Conference (April 19, 1933)

Just a few months ago, Federal Reserve big wigs and other assorted muckety-mucks gathered at a swank resort on the aptly named Jekyll Island (a spit of land off the coast of Georgia where our current Mr. Hyde of a monetary system was birthed) to celebrate the release 100 years ago of the Aldrich Plan that created a bank cartel of Wall Street, by Wall Street, for Wall Street, so it shall not perish from the earth no matter what slack-jawed fools they may prove themselves to be.

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