Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

Jan 13, 2011

Thursday's Notes

Four Stone Hearth CX, the anthropology/archaeology carnival, is up at Afarensis.

Joanne B. Freeman,"When Congress Was Armed And Dangerous," NYT, 11 January, recalls a time when congressmen packed heat; and Katherine Benton-Cohen,"Even Tombstone had gun laws," Politico, 10 January, cites gun regulation in the"wild West." Thanks to Jay Silberblatt, Linda Gordon and Ph.D. Octopus for the tip.

Scott McLemee,"Female Complaints," IHE, 12 January, looks at the background to Charlotte Perkins Gilman's"The Yellow Wallpaper."

David Carr,"Marshall McLuhan: Media Savant," NYT, 6 January, and Nicholas Carr,"The Medium is McLuhan," The Book, 12 January, review Douglas Coupland's Marshall McLuhan: You Know Nothing of My Work!

Daniel T. Rodgers,"Economics in an Age of Fracture," CHE, 9 January, draws on his new book, Age of Fracture. Robert Westbrook,"Things Fall Apart," bookforum, Dec/Jan, reviews the book.

Finally, farewell to Oleg Grabar, a distinguished historian of Islamic art and architecture.

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