Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Jan 15, 2011

Weak Endnotes

Chris Wright,"Measuring hell: Was modern physics born in the Inferno?" Boston Globe, 9 January, looks at Mt. Holyoke's Mark Peterson's idea that"one of Galileo's crucial contributions to physics" came from disproving the measurements of Dante's Inferno. Don't miss the video,"Physics from Hell: How Galileo Invented Modern Physics by thinking about Dante's Inferno."

Walter Laqueur,"West Meets East: Two New Versions of the Cold War," World Affairs, Nov/Dec, reviews Melvyn P. Leffler and Odd Arne Westad, eds., The Cambridge History of the Cold War ; and A. B. Zubov, ed., Istoriia Rossii [The History of Russia], vol. 2, XX vek [The 20th Century]1939–2007.

Garry Wills,"Obama's Finest Hour," NYRBlog, 13 January, compares the President's performance in Tucson to Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address.

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More Comments:

John Zachariah Thomas - 1/16/2011

Sorry I commented on the wrong article, meant to comment on this one

John Zachariah Thomas - 1/16/2011

I think you can't necessarily assume that the polarization of state politics would follow from the polarization of national politics such as Congress. Often popular especially in state politics are "non-politician" politicians who emphasize technocratic ability or success in a non-legislative area of government.