Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Jan 22, 2011

More Noted Things

You are invited to join Joyce Appleby, Seymour Drescher, Robin Einhorn, Van Gosse, Michael Honey, Lois Horton, Mills Kelly, Peter Kolchin, Gary Kornblith, Ralph Luker, Caleb McDaniel, Peter Rachleff, Patrick Rael, Marcus Rediker, Edward Rugemer, James Sidbury, Kathryn Sklar, James B. Stewart, David Waldstreicher, Harry Watson, Conrad Wright, and over 200 other historians in Historians Against Slavery.

Phoebe Connelly for bookforum, Dec/Jan, and Scott McLemee,"Female Complaints," IHE, 12 January, review Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz's Wild Unrest: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Making of"The Yellow Wallpaper".

Anna Blundy interviews"Andreas Wesemann on the European Civil War, 1914-1945" for The Browser, n.d.

Timur Kuran,"West is Best? Why Civilizations Rise and Fall," Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb, reviews Ian Morris's Why the West Rules – For Now.

Finally, my friend, Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit), calls attention to another rendition of the JournoList. It appears to be drawn from a list compiled at Free Republic and maintained by KeyWiki, which covers"the covert side of U.S. and Global politics." This Republican is amused to have been included on the list. Glenn, at least, should know better.

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More Comments:

Scott McLemee - 1/19/2011

Incredible that people are still churning out stupid garbage about JournoList. I was actually a member and barely remember it, let alone think about it. They make it sound a lot more interesting than it ever was.

Ninety percent of what's said on the topic is pure drivel, and other other 10 percent is contaminated drivel.