Blogs > Cliopatria > Pre-Modern Notes

Feb 6, 2011

Pre-Modern Notes

Carnival of Genealogy CII, presenting the 4th annual igene awards, is up at Creative Gene.

Simon Schama,"Revolution and Desecration," Slate, 5 February, focuses on preservation amidst turmoil in Egypt.

Daisy Banks interviews"Robin Lane Fox on Religious and Social History in the Ancient World" for The Browser, 4 February.

Holland Cotter,"A Man of Contradictions, With a Collection to Match," NYT, 3 February, reviews"The Emperor's Private Paradise: Treasures From the Forbidden City," an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan.

James Sharpe,"The takeaway language of slang," TLS, 2 February, reviews Jonathan Green's Green's Dictionary of Slang, 3 vols., and John Simpson, The First English Dictionary of Slang, 1699.

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