Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday's Notes

Feb 17, 2011

Thursday's Notes

The Giant's Shoulders #32, the history of science festival, is up at Skulls in the Stars.

Michael Caines,"Actors in Public and Private," TLS, 16 February, reviews Felicity Nussbaum's Rival Queens: Actresses, performance, and the eighteenth-century British theater and David Roberts's Thomas Betterton: The greatest actor of the Restoration stage. Jennifer Breen,"The Plays of William Godwin," TLS, 16 February, reviews David O'Shaughnessy, ed., The Plays of William Godwin and O'Shaughnessy's William Godwin and the Theatre.

Duncan Wu,"Reputations of an eccentric cast," THE, 17 February, reviews Stephen Hebron's and Elizabeth C. Denlinger's Shelley's Ghost: Reshaping the Image of a Literary Family.

Donald M. MacRaild reviews George Bornstein's The Colors of Zion: Blacks, Jews, and Irish from 1845 to 1945 for the THE, 17 February.

Jane Jakeman,"Egypt's Dirty Hands," TLS, 16 February, reviews Stephen Quirke's Hidden Hands: Egyptian workforces in Petrie excavation archives, 1880–1924.

Garry Kasparov,"The Bobby Fischer Defense," NYRB, 10 March, reviews Frank Brady's Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall—from America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness.

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