Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things ...

Aug 5, 2005

More Noted Things ...

If you missed the video of Robert Novak's"meltdown" on CNN's"Inside Politics" yesterday, you can access it here. He has been indefinitely suspended as a commentator by CNN. American public life is already improved. Mickey Kaus says Novak walked off the set just in time to miss having to answer the next question about, er, his role in the Plame case. Maybe he figured out that it's the coverup that gets you in trouble.

At Inside Higher Ed, Anne D. Neal, president of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, says"Don't Worry – Ward Churchill Will Solve The Problem." Her conservative criticism of American higher education generates a lively discussion in comments. Sherman Dorn's"Liars at ACTA" minces no words in rejoinder.

The inaugural rendition of Carnivalesque Button as a festival of ancient and medieval history is up at The Cranky Professor. Go, enjoy it, and thank Michael for doing an excellent job as its host!

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Adam Kotsko - 8/5/2005

Maybe Novak can get a job in the Bush administration -- he's whiny and petulant enough that he'd fit right in.