Blogs > Cliopatria > Hackett for Senate?

Aug 12, 2005

Hackett for Senate?

Paul Hackett, the Iraq war veteran who just missed a stunning House upset in a recent special election in Ohio, is being touted by some for the Senate nod in next year's race against incumbent Mike DeWine. On paper, Hackett would seem a great choice--especially given that the Buckeye State party really hasn't fielded a Senate candidate with a chance at winning since John Glenn and Howard Metzenbaum retired.

One place you won't see Hackett is CNN's Inside Politics, which, of course, was recently cancelled, replaced by the three-hour"Situation Room" and Wolf Blitzer. I happened to catch Blitzer's first guest interview (with Michael Chertoff); the background graphics made it appear as if Chertoff was on a nuclear submarine. I've yet to see a positive review of the program; for a humorous take, check out Wonkette.

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