Blogs > Cliopatria > 20th Century Notes

Sep 1, 2011

20th Century Notes

Philip Ball, "Did Einstein discover E = mc2?" Physics World, 23 August, takes up an issue you thought was settled.

Ferdinand Mount, "Too Obviously Cleverer," LRB, 8 September, reviews D. R. Thorpe's Supermac: The Life of Harold Macmillan and Peter Catterall's The Macmillan Diaries Vol. II: Prime Minister and After 1957-66.

Deborah Blum, "At the Door of the Loony Gas Building" and "Of Dead Bodies and Dirty Streets," Speakeasy Science, 24/25 August, looks at the history of leaded gasoline in the United States.

Richard J. Evans, "Adolph & Eva," National Interest, Sept/Oct, reviews Heike B. Görtemaker's Eva Braun: Life with Hitler, trans. by Damion Searls.

Brooke Allen for the Barnes & Noble Review, 26 August, Anne Kingston for McLeans, 26 August, Francine Rose, "What Wendy Wasserstein Wrought," NYT, 26 August, Jan Stuart for the San Francisco Chronicle, 28 August, and Adam Kirsch, "Darling Wendy," Tablet, 30 August, review Julie Salamon's new biography, Wendy and the Lost Boys: The Uncommon Life of Wendy Wasserstein.

Jeffrey Toobin, "Partners," New Yorker, 29 August, is his important revisionist look at Clarence and Virginia Thomas.

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