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Oct 3, 2011

Things Noted Here & There

History Carnival CIII is up at Tiffany Stozicki's The History Reporter.

Peter Manseau, "The Big Bang," bookforum, Sept/Nov, and Alan Wolfe, "The Origins of Religion, Beginning With the Big Bang," NYT, 30 September, review Robert N. Bellah's Religion in Human Evolution: From the Paleolithic to the Axial Age.

Miri Rubin, "Sources of Illumination," THE, 29 September, finds lessons for contemporary universities in their medieval ancestors.

Hilary Spurling, "The Criminal Genius of Caravaggio," NYT, 30 September, reviews Andrew Graham-Dixon's Caravaggio: A Life Sacred and Profane.

William Boyd reviews Claire Tomalin's Charles Dickens: A Life for the Guardian, 1 October.

John Adams, "The Indomitable Will of Gustav Mahler," NYT, 30 September, reviews Jens Malte Fischer's Gustav Mahler. Translated by Stewart Spencer.

William Logan, "T. S. Eliot's Rattle of Miseries," NYT, 30 September, reviews Valerie Eliot and Hugh Haughton, eds., The Letters of T. S. Eliot. Vol. I, 1898-1922, revised edition; Vol. II, 1923-1925.

Clay Risen, "The Fire Last Time," Democracy, Fall, reviews Cameron McWhirter's Red Summer: The Summer of 1919 and the Awakening of Black America.

Georg Bönisch, "The First In-depth Look at a Nazi 'God of Death'," Spiegel Online International, 19 September, reviews Robert Gerwarth's Hitler's Hangman: The Life and Death of Reinhard Heydrich.

Sean Wilentz, "20 Years Later: How Bill Clinton Saved Liberalism From Itself," TNR, 1 October, argues that, at the end of the century, Clinton reasserted the values of New Deal liberalism.

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