Blogs > Cliopatria > Calling Islamism the Enemy: Originally Posted 1/29/04

Aug 16, 2005

Calling Islamism the Enemy: Originally Posted 1/29/04

Calling Islamism the Enemy Although I sense much backsliding in the current war – with many Democrats advocating a return to the law enforcement model rather than the war model – I also see that there is a growing inclination to assert that Islamism – or at least a vague hostile ideology – not"terrorism," is the enemy and that it includes a war of ideas as well as it one of violence. This recognition is vital if the barbarous enemy is to be defeated. Here are some notable examples, in reverse chronological order, of individuals and institutions being willing to call a spade a spade, or at least take a step in that direction (with thanks to Willy Gjosund for several references):

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