Blogs > Cliopatria > Some Noted Things

Aug 17, 2005

Some Noted Things

Miriam Burstein,"Agony! Misery! Woe!" Little Professor, 15 August, reminds Thomas C. Reeves that there seems to be a general propensity to think that people who are not like us must, by reason of that fact, be unhappy.

A framed 19th century lithograph of Frederick Douglass is one of my most treasured possessions. He is also a popular subject for history bloggers. See: Mark Grimsley's series, beginning here, at Blog Them Out of the Stone Age; Caleb McDaniel,"The Lives of Douglass," Part I and Part II; and Tim Sandefur at Positive Liberty.

I cannot explain to you why Cliopatria is the top site for Sex Secrets Revealed. She has been known to kiss, but she does not tell.

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More Comments:

Eric Leigh Muller - 8/17/2005

Gosh, Ralph--I usually assume that people who are not like me are happy.


Adam Kotsko - 8/17/2005

This sex secrets fiasco suggests a potential new meme: Who has the sexiest group blog? Flattering photos of members would be posted, and the blogosphere at large could decide. Cliopatria would be in the running, to be sure, though The Weblog would obviously end up winning.