Blogs > Cliopatria > CFA: Blog Day 2005

Aug 29, 2005

CFA: Blog Day 2005

This is a Call for Attention to Blog Day 2005. Dreamed up by Nir Ofir who thought that 3108 looks like the word Blog and that we bloggers need a day for festivities. Brilliant idea, I say.

How do we participate? I, for one, would vote for getting hammered but they recommend doing something bloggy [shouldn't we be taking a break from our blogs on our holiday? just wondering]:

  1. Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting
  2. Notify the 5 bloggers that you are recommending them as part of BlogDay 2005
  3. Write a short description of the Blogs and place a link to the recommended Blogs
  4. Post the BlogDay Post (on August 31st) and
  5. Add the BlogDay tag using this link: and a link to the BlogDay web site at

I do admit that my blog reading has almost stopped recently and my blogroll is as stagnant as Loch Ness. So this is a good boost. Anycase, Participate.

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More Comments:

Manan Ahmed - 8/29/2005

of course it does. you have to do the day/month substitution necessary and speak 1337.

Sharon Howard - 8/29/2005

Perhaps it does if you're *really* hammered.

Alan Allport - 8/29/2005

Good luck to them, but in no way does '3108' look like 'Blog' ...

Manan Ahmed - 8/29/2005

That's the ticket! We get hammered and then find five blogs! Although, I did do a version of that this past weekend when I discovered that Civic makes a hybrid - nevermind all that: kids, don't drink and surf the web.

Rebecca Anne Goetz - 8/29/2005

...a lot of effort to me! I think I vote with you on the getting hammered, and then blogging the experience. Maybe it would help my chapter...