Blogs > Cliopatria > Latest List of the Missing or Unaccounted from Tulane

Dec 6, 2006

Latest List of the Missing or Unaccounted from Tulane

Jim Boyden, the chairman of the history department at Tulane, emailed the following list this morning to HNN:

Laura Kelley
Wilbur (Bill) Meneray
Jeff James (emeritus)
Hermann Freudenberger (emeritus)
Reginald Spann (grad student)
Pamela Smith (Tulane history secretary)
Darlene Oliver (Hebert Hall custodian)
Teresa Toulouse (English/American Studies)

Jim asked that the following faculty members contact him about their whereabouts or post a message on this blog:

Felice Batlan
Douglas Brinkley
Charles Chamberlain
Terrence Fitzmorris
Kenneth Harl
Meg Keenan
Tom Luongo
Colin MacLachlan
Rick Teichgraeber
Trudy Yeager

Jim's email address:

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