The 2005 Cliopatria Awards Nominations:

Please submit, in comments below, your nominations for the best individual blog by an historian or about history. [registration not required, but the usual rules of civility and conduct still apply] Nominations will be accepted from November 1st through 30th.
Please include an URL for the blog or blogs which you nominate. You may nominate individual posts or bloggers in other categories, as well.
If you want ideas of blogs/bloggers to nominate, see the History Blogroll or past editions of the History Carnival. If you're not sure whether a blog or blogger qualifies as"history," nominate them anyway and the judges will make a final determination. If you have questions, feel free to contact the chair of the committee:
Judging Committee: Manan Ahmed (chair), Adam Kotsko, and Brian Ulrich. [Judges are ineligible to win awards they are judging, but feel free to nominate them for something else!]
Go To: Awards Index, Group Blog, Newcomer, Post, Series of Posts, Writing.