Blogs > Cliopatria > Self-Promotion: Korean Frog Launch!

Nov 8, 2005

Self-Promotion: Korean Frog Launch!

With the official launch of Frog In A Well: Korea (a.k.a. 우물 안 개구리), the Frog In A Well project is officially fully operational. This is what we wanted from the start: three blogs, representing the major East Asian cultures, with significant numbers of scholars and discussions crossing between the blogs.

Konrad Lawson and I are members of all three -- Japan, China and Korea -- but each blog has a different character and people involved. Konrad has definitely taken the lead on Korea, though I'll be teaching a dedicated Korean history class next semester and will undoubtedly be begging my co-bloggers and readers for clarifications and resources with some frequency. I've been anchoring the Japan side, with significant contributions from Konrad, as well as others including our anthropologists Tak Watanabe and our newest member, Brian McVeigh. The China blog is led by AlanBaumler, with the odd (often very odd) contribution from yours truly and a few other folks.

This is what history blogging can be: interconnected scholarship and pedagogy, informed and accessible public commentary, a community of interest and expertise. This is precisely what I signed up for.

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