Blogs > Cliopatria > Yet More Noted

Nov 11, 2005

Yet More Noted

Then and Now: On this day, 230 years ago, the Continental Congress created the Marine Corps as a division of the Navy. Semper Fidelis. On this day, 140 years ago, Captain Henry Wirz, commander of Georgia's Andersonville Confederate Prison Camp, was executed for having abused Union prisoners of war who were his responsibility. Here's an excellent on-line record of Andersonville's horrors, Wirz's trial, and his execution. On this day, the Vice President of the United States campaigns for an exemption that would allow the CIA to abuse detainees in American prison camps. Thanks to Tom at Big Tent and Dale Light of Light Seeking Light for the tip.

Interscriptum: So, it's been 47 years since you and Susan Sontag were divorced and 32 years since you published your last book. You're 82 now and you're about to publish four new ones. You've even turned up in fiction. You must be Philip Reiff. David Glenn,"Prophet of Anti-Culture," CHE, 11 November. Links free to non-subscribers. Thanks to CHE's Richard Byrne for the tip.

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