Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Nov 21, 2005

Things Noted Here and There

Mark Grimsley's"Prepping the Pedagogical Battlefield," at Blog Them Out of the Stone Age discusses the very practical ways in which his blog helps him prepare for next semester, when he teaches"The History of War" to 150 students at Ohio State.

At Horizon, Martha Bridegam and Ben Brumfield are on a roll, with delightful posts about the new film on Edward R. Murrow, misunderstood words, the Republican Party, and"Stalinesque" approaches to children's literature.

Last Sunday's excellent post by Nathanael Robinson,"Strangers on a Train," at Rhine River got a prized link from Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit yesterday. That should bring it the large readership it deserves. [more ...]

Susan Kinzie and Valerie Strauss,"After AU, Colleges Increase Scrutiny," Washington Post, 21 November, survey responses at college's and universities in the DC area to protect themselves from public embarrassment after the compensation scandal at American University.

Paul Harris,"Population 1: The Town That's Been Reclaimed by the Prairie," The Guardian, 20 November, features Monowi, Nebraska, whose population is down to one. The great plain continues its depopulation. Thanks to Anne Zook at Peevish ... for the tip.

Brook Hauser,"Awaiting God's Decision," New York Times, 20 November, reviews the search to fill the pulpit at Harlem's Canaan Baptist Church. When Wyatt Tee Walker retires from a pulpit, there are some big shoes to fill. How do you replace a pastor who, as"Martin Luther King's son of a bitch," orchestrated the Birmingham, Alabama, civil rights demonstrations, and who'd also been Adam Clayton Powell's associate pastor and Nelson Rockefeller's urban affairs expert? Well, you can't, exactly. But, finally, the people vote and G_d has made a decision.

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