2005 Cliopatria Awards: Nominations are Closed, and Thank You

The nomination period for the awards is officially over.
Many thanks to those who took the time to nominate one or more blogs, bloggers, posts, etc. Now we hand it over to our illustrious and wise (well, except for me) judges to pick out the flawless gems among the wealth that history blogging has become.
If you want to see what the judges are up against, feel free to browse the nominations, but please don't add comments or nominations.
And if you want to get a start on next year's awards, History Carnival #21 IS UP at CLEWS: the True Historic Crime Blog. Laura James says she's got an embarrassment of riches and she's not kidding.
I hope people aren't too tired out, though, because I'm hosting the next one at Frog In A Well: Korea and we've got a new edition of the Asian History Carnival to get out soon, too.
Time Waster: Caleb McDaniel's got a then and now quiz which is devastatingly difficult. At least for me; Americanists might find it easier.
Speaking of Awards: Three of the NYTime's 10 Best Books of 2005 are history. One on post-war Europe, and two on art history.