Blogs > Cliopatria > A Symposium on Conservatism in America

Dec 6, 2005

A Symposium on Conservatism in America

At the end of last week, there was a conference on"The Conservative Movement: Its Past, Present, and Future" at Princeton University. The conservative brothers and sisters brought in one outsider to speak, Rick Perlstein. You get Rick's drift at: Perlstein,"‘I Didn't Like Nixon Until Watergate'," Huffington Post, 5 December. For some other perspectives, see:
Ralph E. Luker,"What Passes for ‘Conservative' in America," Cliopatria, 18 December 2003;
Tim Burke,"Hooray for Watergate," Cliopatria, 22 December 2003;
Caleb McDaniel,"Lakoff on Theology and Politics," Cliopatria, 23 May 2005;
Greg Robinson,"Same-Sex Marriage: A Victory for Conservatives?" Cliopatria, 29 June 2005; and
Chris Bray,"The Conservative Political Tradition," (1), (2), and (3), Historiblogography, 5 December 2005.

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