Blogs > Cliopatria > Some Milestones

Mar 1, 2006

Some Milestones

The 26th History Carnival is up at Miland Brown's World History Blog! Go over and enjoy its riches. Jon Dresner will host the 3rd Asian History Carnival on Sunday 5 March at Frog in a Well, Japan. Send nominations to: jonathan*at*froginawell*dot*net. On Monday 13 March, Ahistoricality will host the Carnival of Bad History. Send your nominations to ahistoricality* at*earthlink*dot*net and put"Bad History" in the subject line.

Richard Talbert and Tom Elliott of the Ancient World Mapping Center at UNC, Chapel Hill, have announced that an on-line, interactive website, Pleiades, will soon go live on the net. Named for the daughters of Atlas, the site will feature 100 maps of the ancient world from the British Isles to North Africa and the Indian sub-continent between 1000 BCE and 640 CE. Like Wikipedia, Pleiades will offer users the opportunity to suggest detailed corrections or updates to the maps. A panel of experts will review the proposed changes for their accuracy.

The Bayeux Tapistry, with explanatory notes, is on-line here and, if you mustplay with it, go here. Thanks to Sharon Howard at Early Modern Notes for the tip.

In Scott McLemee,"Doing the Lord's Work," Inside Higher Ed, 1 March, McLemee interviews Michael Kazin about his new biography of William Jennings Bryan.

A partnership between Google and the National Archives makes depression era films by the Department of the Interior, newsreels from World War II, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) films about America's adventures in space available on the net. Thanks to Dale Light of Light Seeking Light for the tips.

Rebecca Goetz speaks for all of us at Cliopatria in congratulating Another Damned Medievalist for getting and accepting the offer of a tenure-track position at Small Liberal Arts College! We hope to have some good news of our own to announce soon.

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