Blogs > Cliopatria > Tolerance in Illinois

Mar 3, 2006

Tolerance in Illinois

Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich has had a rough month in terms of public relations. First, he looked like a fool in a Daily Show interview when he didn't realize that the show is a spoof news program. Now, he faces a political crisis after he appointed Louis Farrakhan's chief of protocol and director of community outreach to the Governor's Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes. The appointee then invited commission members to a Farrakhan speech where the minister criticized"Hollywood Jews" for"promoting lesbianism, homosexuality" and other"filth," and asserted that Zionists (but now teamed with conservatives!) had manipulated the Bush administration into declaring war against Iraq.

Three Jewish members of the panel have resigned, and gay and lesbian organizations are also criticizing the governor. An African-American state senator, however, has defended the appointment and criticized the commission members who resigned. State senator Diane Trotter reasoned,"Given the mission of the commission to look at discrimination and hatred, I think these [members who resgined] are demonstrating their hatred ... of others is too big to effectively do their jobs. It may be the best for the commission" that they departed.

Fascinating logic. The governor admitted that he hadn't known of the member's Nation of Islam affiliation before making the appointment.

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