Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Mar 11, 2006

Things Noted Here and There

Two Articles:
Adam Kirsch,"Rereading the Renaissance," Harvard Magazine, April 2006, introduces us to the treasures of Harvard University Press's series, I Tatti Renaissance Library. If you love the liberal arts, you are a child of the renaissance. Despite his enthusiasm for Rodney Starks' The Victory of Reason, thanks to Tom at Big Tent for the tip.
Steven Waldman,"The Framers and the Faithful: How Modern Evangelicals Are Ignoring Their History," Washington Monthly, April 2006, argues, correctly, I think, that 18th century American evangelicals were ardent critics of established churches. 21st century evangelicals ought to touch base with their roots.

Koufax Awards: Voting for the Koufax Awards for 2005 ends on Sunday evening. Three of our colleagues at Cliopatria are nominated in four different categories: Tim Burke is a nominee for Best Writing; Mark Grimsley's Blog Them Out of the Stone Age is nominated for Best New Blog and Most Deserving of Wider Recognition; and Hugo Schwyzer is a nominee for Best Single Issue Blog. Cliopatria has many friends who are also nominated in those and other categories. Go over and give them some support.

Carnivals Galore!
1) Alun Salt will host Carnivalesque, XIII at Archaeoastronomy on Monday 13 March. This will be an ancient/medieval edition of the festival, emphasizing women's history in honor of Women's History Month. Send your nominations to: carnivalesque*at*archaeoastronomy*dot*co*uk .
2) Ahistoricality hosts the Carnival of Bad History on Monday 13 March. Send your nominations to: ahistoricality*at*earthlink*dot*net. (Brother Ahistoricality would like to have them by this evening.)
3) Rob at History: Other will host History Carnival #27 on Wednesday 15 March. Send your nominations of exemplary history posts that have appeared since 1 March to: rob*at*ifanything*dot*org.

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