Blogs > Cliopatria > Additionally Noted

Mar 21, 2006

Additionally Noted

One of the most recent additions to Cliopatria's Blogroll is Global Voices, a remarkably ambitious project launched by Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society. It seeks to find, aggregate, and follow important conversations among bloggers around the world. In order to do that, it relies on"bridge bloggers" who are attuned to their national communities and prepared to put the rest of us in touch with remote conversations. Some bridge bloggers pay a larger price than others. On 22 February, Chinese officials seized Hao Wu, a film documentarian and Global Voices' editor for Northeast Asia. He has been held in detention by the Beijing division of China's State Security Bureau ever since. See: Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit and Kevin Drum at Political Animal. There is more information at this site.

Louis Menand,"Breaking Away: Francis Fukuyama and the Neoconservatives," New Yorker, 27 March, reviews Fukuyama's America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy.

In John Fund,"Sayed and de Man at Yale," Opinion Journal, 20 March, Fund continues his coverage of the presence of the former Taliban official, Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, as a special student at Yale, with an interesting piece about one-time Nazi journalists, Vladimir Sokolov and Paul de Man, who later served on Yale's faculty. Interesting, yes, but there's considerable difference between the status of a special student and that of a tenured professor.

I need to correct an error that I made here. When the office of the Director of National Intelligence announced that it would be releasing documents seized in Afghanistan and Iraq. I was surprised that the template of the site on which the documents were to be released changed within 48 hours of the announcement and assumed that the change meant that all Afganistani and Iraqi documents would be grouped together and released on the same site. That is incorrect. Al Qaeda documents seized in Afghanistan are here and those seized in Iraq are here. Thanks to Abu Aardvark's Marc Lynch for the clarification.

Finally, from Michael Crowley at The Plank, the State of the Union Address that you mixed.

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