Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Apr 1, 2006

Things Noted Here and There

History Carnival #28 is up at Patahistory!

Timothy Burke,"Your Assignment: Turd in the Punchbowl," Easily Distracted, 30 March, tackles the issue of constructive criticism.

Caleb McDaniel,"On Nations and Immigrants," Mode for Caleb, 31 March, thinks through the problems of nationality, transnationality, citizenship, and residency.

Mickey Kaus:"Note to Doris Kearns Goodwin – Ben Domenech Died for Your sins: Maybe Domenech just wanted to win $50,000 from the New York Historical Society. ... Eric Weiner notes that the wages of plagiarism are good if you have a survival network that includes Walter Isaacson and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. ... For more of the goods on Goodwin: See this summary ..."

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