Blogs > Cliopatria > Duke's "Campus Culture"

Apr 21, 2006

Duke's "Campus Culture"

The Duke Chronicle has coverage of the first university-wide event, held last night, to address campus culture at Duke. Professor of African and African-American Studies Mark Anthony Neal maintained, “We need an innovated and brave curriculum that will allow our students to engage one another in a progressive manner.” Remembering that this is the same college whose philosophy chairman joked that there were few conservatives on the faculty because J.S. Mill held that conservatives aren’t very smart, I doubt that an insufficiently “progressive” curriculum is Duke’s main problem. When a student in attendance called on Duke to do more address “heretosexism” (again, not an obvious problem issue emerging from recent events), a panel member, in the words of the Chronicle reporter, “described a hypothetical situation about an incoming freshman finds out his or her future roommate is homosexual and thus requests to be paired with a different person. ‘Instead of simply letting people avoid these uncomfortable situations, we should make these students sit down and talk to each other, and to make progress in accepting one another.’”

Leaving aside the question of whether it’s a good idea to force a gay incoming freshman to live with someone who’s homophobic, it would seem to me that Duke has enough issues to consider without inventing “hypothetical” ones: a lacrosse team many of whose members exhibited boorish behavior and who seemed to have little regard for upholding the university’s reputation in their private conduct; an athletic department and coach whose oversight of the team was, to coin a phrase, lax; and an administration that seems to have struggled to establish good relations with Durham and to exercise appropriate control over off-campus residences where Duke students live.

If, however, Duke president Richard Brodhead really is serious about using the recent events to improve campus culture, there’s another issue that should be addressed: the “campus culture” of guilty-until-proven-innocent exhibited by a vocal faction of the student body and a very vocal minority of the faculty in the initial weeks after reports of the rape accusation emerged. Duke is, after all, a campus where, before even hearing both sides’ initial version of events, students and some faculty held candlelight vigils and protests with slogans such as “Real men don't protect rapists”; where a prominent faculty member, Afro-Am Studies professor Houston Baker, issued a public letter urging that the lacrosse players be dismissed from school; where students produced a “wanted” poster with photographs of 43 of the 46 white lacrosse players, accusing the players of withholding evidence, with one student participant noting, “It is dangerous to wait for the conclusion of the criminal investigation because the community, in strong numbers, have raised their voices of what this means to the history of the University.”

It’s easy, of course, to question such behavior in retrospect—now that we’ve seen two arrests based on a photo ID that seems, to put it charitably, procedurally flawed. That the accuser was only shown photos of members of the lacrosse team perhaps explains why at least one of the two arrested players seems to have overwhelming evidence that he wasn’t even at the house at the time the alleged rape occurred. (The second, meanwhile, claims to have been at a restaurant at the time of the party, and media reports suggest that he’s not shown in any of the party photos.) And the searches of the arrested players’ rooms—conducted, perplexingly, after rather than before the arrests—yielded nothing more incriminating than a newspaper article on the case and an Ipod., coming after a DNA test that the D.A. had publicly promised would identify the guilty instead produced no matches.

From where does this campus guilty-until-proven-innocent mentality originate? In Shadow University, Alan Kors and Harvey Silverglate suggest one culprit—campus “judicial” systems. At many institutions, a student accused of sexual harassment or assault isn’t entitled to counsel. (My favorite such story in the Kors/Silvergate book involved MIT, which allowed the accused’s family members but not lawyers into campus disciplinary hearings—a policy changed after Alan Dershowitz’s nephew was hauled up on sexual harassment allegations, and Dershowitz got access to the hearing as the uncle of the accused.) Similarly, at many institutions, the accused (or his representatives) cannot cross-examine the accuser, and sometimes can’t even be in the same room when the accuser relays her story. In short, campus disciplinary proceedings relating to alleged sexual offenses often lack any semblance of due process: the accused really is guilty until proven innocent, just as the Duke protesters of a few weeks back, and professors like Houston Baker, maintained about the Duke lacrosse players.

The recent Chronicle coverage suggests a shift in campus attitudes regarding the case—a recognition that at least one of the players seems to have been falsely accused, and that people are innocent until proven guilty, especially in a case like this, where so much exculpatory evidence exists. But I rather doubt that we’ll see Duke examine the “campus culture” that led to events such as the “wanted” poster. Instead, like the panelist at last night’s campus forum who addressed the issue of “heretosexism,” those on campus who previously deemed the lacrosse players guilty will speak of a “hypothetical” case in which the facts better fit their preconceived view.

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More Comments:

Robert KC Johnson - 4/23/2006

Very interesting--hadn't known that. It makes the comment much more understandable.

My sister lived in Chapel Hill for several years and was a grad student at NC State--I spent some time at all three campuses in the Triangle (more at UNC than the other two). I can't say I enjoyed the general atmosphere at Duke---and my sense is that many of the unpleasant aspects of campus life that have gotten the spotlight recently seemed to be present much less at NC State or even UNC.

Robert KC Johnson - 4/23/2006

Agree completely. But the specific instances regarding the "rush to judgment"--the "wanted" poster, the Houston Baker letter, the statement signed by the 90 faculty (and, apparently, formally endorsed by 10 academic programs)--all explicitly (in the first two cases) or implicitly (in the case of the faculty statement) presumed guilt on the rape charge.

The faculty "statement" is a particularly unpleasant piece of work, since it claims that these faculty are "listening" to the students, suggesting that the faculty had no preconceived notions through which they interpreted the initial allegations. Now that the students seem to be overwhelmingly rallying behind Seligmann, I wonder if the signatories will still be "listening."

Ralph E. Luker - 4/23/2006

I agree with you, KC, that Duke's introspection could easily go way out of focus and that the question of heterosexism hardly seems to have any place in its discussions of the recent lacrosse mess. As an aside, however, you may not be aware that several years ago Duke topped the list of prestigious institutions that were said to be hostile to gay people. I don't know how that has played out more recently, but I suspect that it does cause some people to inject the issue in conversations where it doesn't seem particularly germane.

Ralph E. Luker - 4/23/2006

Yes, KC, but you do assume that all of the "rush to judgment" goes to allegations of rape. The student lacrosse players were certainly guilty of behavior (the notorious e-mail being only the most obvious example) that a university community might well wish to hold altogether unacceptable, regardless of their presumed innocense on the rape charges.

Robert KC Johnson - 4/23/2006

Nothing, of course, prevents a university from acting in this fashion--a major political issue right now in Kentucky involves Cumberland College kicking out a student simply because it discovered that the student was gay. There are consequences to such behavior, however: it looks like the school is going to lose a $10M state grant to establish a pharmacy school.

There's also a pragmatic point. From the standpoint of attracting good students (and parents willing to pay $40K tuitions, moreover), a college that said that it would kick anyone out on the basis of an allegation probably would run into difficulties.

In the end, it seems to me that if you're going to call something a campus "judiciary," and give that judiciary power that includes expulsion (something that would go on a student's permanent record, and at the very least dramatically harm his/her professional prospects), it's reasonable to expect elementary principles of due process to be followed. The Duke student disciplinary code, like most, explicitly states that the accused has a presumption of innocence. Yet, as Kors and Silverglate point out, the denying due process rights undermines any presumption of innocence.

Robert KC Johnson - 4/23/2006

I agree that this is a national issue. But so too is racism, underage drinking, class gaps etc., and these are issues being addressed by the "campus culture" initiative.

Around two weeks ago, more than 90 Duke faculty members signed an advertisement stating that "what happened to this woman" was a "disaster," regardless of what the police or court said. That's on top of a prominent prof (Baker) publicly demanding that all members of a group be dismissed from school solely on the basis of an allegation (talk about McCarthyism). To me, from the standpoint of Duke campus culture, these are serious problems.

Oscar Chamberlain - 4/23/2006


The rush the judgement mentality that you decry is a national one. There is nothing here that has not occurred in many other times and places, and I don't think there is anything peculiar about Duke's culture in this.

Carl Patrick Burkart - 4/22/2006

This brings up an interesting question. Can anyone think of another voluntary institution where non-employee participants have any kind of right to due process? Most businesses simply kick people out who they believe are trouble-makers. Sometimes they refund peoples money, but not always. I'm not saying this is ideal, but what would prevent a private university from kicking out a student without any kind of hearing? Why should a private university make that determination in a way that mirrored a criminal court? (Leaving aside contractual reasons, of course. If hearings are part of the procedure in the student handbook, then the University should follow it).