Blogs > Cliopatria > Some Additional Notes

Apr 27, 2006

Some Additional Notes

The discovery of a great stepped pyramid at Visoko, twenty miles northwest of Sarajevo, in Bosnia, could be one of the important archaeological finds of our time. It is, at once, the first ancient pyramid to be found in Europe and a third taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. There's yet to be an estimate of its age, but it holds the possibility of illuminating the early history of the region, which is still very murky. Thanks to Nick Milne at A Gentle Fuss and the University of Western Ontario for the tip.

Michael Prodger,"Nine Tumultuous Weeks in Arles," Telegraph, 9 April, reviews Martin Gayford's The Yellow House, which examines the trying months in which Paul Gaugin and Vincent van Gogh lived together in a very small space. Thanks to Arts & Letters Daily for the tip.

Its five volumes weigh 28.5 lbs. and cost $825. Joel Garreau reviews Historical Statistics of the United States, Millennial Edition. So much information; so little time.

The conversation about nuclear weapons that Caleb McDaniel began here continues today at Mode for Caleb.

Stimulated, perhaps, by the charges in the Duke lacrosse case, there's a lively debate going on among Ginmar's A View from Abroad (21 and 26 April), blac(k)ademic, and Alas, A Blog about whether gender trumps race in terms of oppression. Thanks to Elle, abd for the tip. As she points out, class repeatedly gets short shrift in the race/class/gender trinity.

Finally, congratulations to Manan Ahmed, who organized and presented at a conference,"Sacred Cows & False Prophets: Traversing History and Religion in South Asia" at the University of Chicago on 21 and 22 April. It was in honor of Manan's mentor, Ronald Inden, and brought many of his former students back to the campus for this event. Both Sepoy and pdcs have reports. Congratulations, also, to Nathanael Robinson, who gave his first conference presentation,"A Place in the Republic," at the annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Study at Urbana, Illinois, last weekend. You know their presentations went well, because Manan, pdcs, and Nathanael survived to blog about them.

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More Comments:

Rebecca Anne Goetz - 4/29/2006

I've got a great recipe for stewed alligator. Any takers?

Ralph E. Luker - 4/28/2006

So, I should drop an alligator down the chimney. He takes care of the squirrels on the way down and I call Animal Control while he's doing that.

Ben W. Brumfield - 4/28/2006

Back in the marshlands along the Gulf where I grew up, you call the volunteer fire department for alligator removal. Other animals are handled by the county animal control, but alligators are the special province of the volunteer firemen.

Those guys live for alligator removal.

Jonathan Dresner - 4/27/2006

I think it should be the springboard to a symposium on the human-nature relationship in history, with particular reference to architecture and heating systems....

I vote for putting it back up and trying exceed Klinghoffer's comment count....

Rebecca Anne Goetz - 4/27/2006

Hey, I blogged repeatedly about the squirrel in my kitchen a few years ago. Put the post back up!!

Besides which, I get hits daily from people googling homemade squirrel repellants. It'll be good for the sitemeter.

Manan Ahmed - 4/27/2006

My advice is to start the fire! Also, to blog about them.

Ralph E. Luker - 4/27/2006

Manan, I thought my post about the squirrels in the fireplace was so silly that I deleted it; and overnight the squirrel seemed to disappear. I thought it had climbed out the chimney, so I sent Animal Control on its way. This morning, my daughter woke me up to tell me that there were two (2!) squirrels playing in the fireplace. Help!

Manan Ahmed - 4/27/2006

Thanks, Ralph. But did you get the sparrow/squirrel/owl out?