Blogs > Cliopatria > Quote UnQuote

May 16, 2006

Quote UnQuote

A senior federal law enforcement official tells ABC News the government is tracking the phone numbers we call in an effort to root out confidential sources.

"It's time for you to get some new cell phones, quick," the source told us in an in-person conversation.

-- ABC News, The Blotter [via]

I was, as an American soldier in the uniform of my country, being warned about government excesses and the threat to freedom from unrestrained state power. By an Iranian refugee. [emphasis in original]

-- Chris Bray, Secrets and Lies

In the meantime, polls continue to fluctuate whether the American public considers any of this a deal worth giving a hoot about.
Personally, as I don't call anyone associated with Al Qaeda, I don't CARE if the Government tracks me, listens to me or records me. Only the guilty should be nervous. Is ABC and the NYT Guilty of aiding terroism or are they/you simply guilty of undermingin our security by letting the terrorists know what we are trying to do to stop them? In either case, you should be ashamed.
-- a commentator on The Blotter

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More Comments:

Rebecca Anne Goetz - 5/15/2006

I don't understand why people are taking the stand that "only the guilty should be nervous." It isn't about being guilty. I certainly don't call OBL on the phone, so I'm not "nervous" and I don't fear being found out. I do resent and fear the relentless invasion of my privacy in the name of security, the steady erosion of my civil liberties, and the unchecked growth of intrusive government power. These are things every American "nervous."

Geesh! Where are the Whigs when you need 'em?