Blogs > Cliopatria > Three Noted Things

May 18, 2006

Three Noted Things

Amazon Found? Not in ancient Scythia or, even, the river valley, but in the coastal valleys of northern Peru.

Scott McLemee's"The Kircher Code," Inside Higher Ed, 17 May, suggests that the omnivore of all knowledge, the proto-Cliopatrician, is worth more attention than da Vinci. For additional references, see: The Proceedings of the Athansius Kircher Society, McLemee,"Athanasius Kircher, Dude of Wonders," CHE, 28 May 2002; Rob MacDougall's"The World is Bound by Secret Knots," Old is the New New, 4 April 2006; and abundant references at the AthanasiusKircherPedia.

When the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) published its latest report,"How Many Ward Churchills?" TimBurke had just begun to fight. I know him reasonably well by now. He is not easily provoked. ACTA's report gets a full and critical reading. See also: Hiram Hover.

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