Additionally Noted Things
Jonathan Wilson,"Marsilio of Padua," The Elfin Ethicist, 19 May, is a good introduction, with references, to the 14th century political theorist.
Something interesting happened yesterday. A story originally published by the National Post at and claiming that the Iranian parliament had passed legislation requiring Jews to wear yellow, Christians to wear red, and Zoroastrians to wear blue badges flashed across the net. Commentators like Michelle Malkin, Andrew Sullivan, and others seized on it as yet more confirming evidence of"Islamofascism." A few commentators, like Daniel Larison at Eunomia, bothered to point out that the Iranian precedent isn't Hitler's Germany, but a very early caliphate. Hitler's Germany is our frame of reference, our historical baggage. Not theirs. Oh, and besides, the report was probably false anyway. It tells you a lot about what fevered brains want to believe about an"enemy." Lots of backpeddling going on. Some don't even bother.
John K. Wilson,"The Footnote Police v Ward Churchill," Inside Higher Ed, 19 May, is the strongest critique of the the University of Colorado's review committee's report that I've seen. Still, I don't find it persuasive. Am I free, as a scholar, to publish work in other people's names and then cite it, as if my claims are supported by a community of scholarship? Am I free, as a scholar, to cite work that contradicts my claims, as if it supported them, without clearly indicating the contradiction? [Ed.: erm, You have been there before. Not. Going. There. Again.] I can do it, but I think I should be held accountable for having done so.
Finally, I'm just going to plagiarize Brandon Watson:
"A distinguished symbologist","an alluring cryptologist" (and how!),"a legendary bloodline","a secret code": you can see it all in The Norman Rockwell Code. Be sure to view the trailer, if you can; it's good. The best line is"Well, history was one of my favorite subjects. I got a C- in it." I'll definitely be looking out for the full version; the trailer is actually better than any trailers I've seen for that other Code.
Actually, that link takes you to the fuller version of the film. Very funny.