Blogs > Cliopatria > Additionally Noted Things

Jun 6, 2006

Additionally Noted Things

History Carnival XXXII, Part 2 is up at Aqueduct.

I want to second Jonathan Reynolds' recommendation of John Edward Philips,"What's New About African History?" HNN, 5 June. It's excellent, as are: Timothy Burke,"Pointless Little Countries," Cliopatria, 11 January 2005; Burke,"Teaching Africa I: The Problem of a Core Curriculum," Cliopatria, 11 February 2005; and Burke,"Teaching Africa II: The Possibilities of Sequencing," Cliopatria, 2 March 2005.

At Revise and Dissent, have a look at the outline for Dave Davisson's project,"Itinerancy: A Pedestrian History." It's ambitious, in the same good way that Rob MacDougall's American Studies course and Kenneth Hite's suggestions for it are ambitious.

At Is That Legal? our colleague, Greg Robinson, is guest-blogging for Eric Muller's symposium about Mitsuyi Endo, the key figure in Ex Parte Endo, who died last month. Greg's contribution is"Mitsuyi Endo: Great in Her Obscurity." Today and tomorrow, Muller will publish contributions to the symposium by Patrick Gudridge of the University of Miami School of Law and Jerry Kang of the UCLA School of Law.

At Sivocracy.Net, NYU's Siva Vaidhyanathan offers himself up to the British National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education's wrong-headed vote to boycott Israeli scholars. I agree with him that, if anything, American scholars might be a more logical, if less vulnerable, target. So, bring it on, NATFHE, boycott me. My loins are gird. My children are raised and educated. I am a retired historian who's surviving prostate cancer and ready to face the awful threat of NATFHE's boycott!

I apologize to my colleagues at Cliopatria and her audience for having closed comments on several recent posts. This is the first time I've done that and I've done it in order to curtail trolling. The problem is an individual's singular and compulsive personal hostility to me. It has a history, including his series of cyber-stalking e-mails to me. Odd as it may seem, I've deleted and later remounted several posts with the comments deleted or closed in order to create space for my colleagues' posts at Cliopatria and for people other than this individual to comment as they choose. In the name of reasonable discussion and debate, I hope that this person will get some professional help and that this, too, will pass.

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