Blogs > Cliopatria > Additionally Noted

Jun 12, 2006

Additionally Noted

Steven Ozment,"The German Problem: It's the Conflict between Culture and Politics," Weekly Standard, 19 June, reviews Wolf Lepenies, The Seduction of Culture in German History.

John McKay,"Where are All the Girls? Part CCXLVIII," archy, 10 June, ponders why the United States has not had a female president. Thanks to Jon Dresner for the tip.

Yesterday's Washington Post Book World was unusually rich on American history: David Liss on recent books on the Founding Fathers; H. W. Brands on Godfrey Hodgson's biography of Colonel House; and Michael Kazin on a new biography of Huey Long. Hat tip to Kevin Murphy of Ghost in the Machine and Revise & Dissent.

Niall Fergusson,"Reasons to Worry," NYT Magazine, 11 June, reads the American economy in dinosaur-like terms. Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

Mark Schmitt,"Parliament Lament," The American Prospect, June, foresees a November backlash, aimed at the Bush administration, largely eliminating the small group of Republican moderates in the Congress, just as the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994 largely eliminated the small group of Democratic conservatives.

General J. C. Christian, patriot, sends a letter to David Horowitz about the National Security Administration. Thanks to Ahistoricality for the tip. Who, by the way, is that masked blogger?

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