Blogs > Cliopatria > Conflict, Empire, and Niall Ferguson

Jun 20, 2006

Conflict, Empire, and Niall Ferguson

Murrough O'Brien reviews Stephen O'Shay's Sea of Faith: Islam and Christianity in the Mediterranean World, Independent, 18 June.

Johann Hari,"There Can Be No Defense of Empire," Independent, 12 June; Niall Ferguson,"Home Truths about Famine, War, and Genocide," Independent, 14 June; Hari,"The Truth: Our Empire Killed Millions," Independent, 17 June; Lawrence James,"Nailing the Lie of the Evil Empire," Times, 18 June, and Andrew Murray,"In the Realm of the Senseless," Guardian, 19 June, debate the work of"the televangelist of Empire." David Smith,"Niall Ferguson: The Empire Builder," Guardian, 18 June, is a critical profile. Thanks to Manan Ahmed and Alfredo Perez at Political Theory Daily Review for the tip.

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