Blogs > Cliopatria > TR & Wilson: Men of the Hour?

Jun 28, 2006

TR & Wilson: Men of the Hour?

According to the Boston Globe, the Founding Fathers have now lost their place at the center of American imagination. They have been replaced by Teddy and Woody.

Here's the money quote:

``We're all Wilsonians now," announced columnist Jonah Goldberg last week.

Theodore Roosevelt ``still has many things to teach us," opined presidential adviser Karl Rove in this week's Time magazine, which has Roosevelt on the cover.

Meanwhile, Oxford Press this month issued the paperback edition of John B. Judis's book, ``The Folly of Empire: What George W. Bush Could Learn from Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson."

Roosevelt and Wilson are the men of the hour because the war in Iraq so perfectly combines Roosevelt's big-stick approach to forcing smaller countries into line and Wilson's idealistic dream of promoting democracy.

Roosevelt and Wilson truly hated each other, probably more than any other two former presidents, but the Iraq War is clearly their turbulent, angry child.

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