Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Jul 4, 2006

Things Noted Here and There

History Carnival XXXIV is up at Chapati Mystery. Manan Ahmed is your host and has done a terrific job, of course! Andrew Israel Ross at Air Pollution hosts the next History Carnival on 15 July. In the meantime, Jonathan Wilson at The Elfin Ethicist sketches out some thoughts on"How to Write Tendentious History."

Thanks to Mr. Sun!, here is China's hanging monastery. First built in 491 CE, in the Northern Wei Dynasty, it was rebuilt in the Ming and Qing dynasties a thousand years later. The monastery is more than 30 miles above ground at the foot of Mt. Hengshan in China's Jinxia Gorge. It is unusual both for its setting and because artifacts of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism are all there. More pictures here. Martin Jacques,"Seeing Beyond the Wall," Guardian, 1 July, reviews four recent books on the history of China.

Last July, Cliopatria featured a symposium on Gary Nash's precise for his book, The Unknown American Revolution. Now, the Telegraph has reviews of it by Dominic Sandbrook and Brendan Simms. The new Common-Place is up, with an article by Carol Berkin on academic and popular history and, for the 4th of July, a number of features on the founding fathers. The country still has some real patriots. See: John Amato,"Lt. Cmdr. Charles Swift Speaks Out," Crooks and Liars, 30 June. Thanks to Chris Bray at Historiblogography for the tip.

"Professor Pressured to Sleep with Student for Good Course Evaluation," The Onion, 17 June, seemed not so far-fetched in current higher education. Yes, I too fell for Margaret Soltan's joke. It's not the first time and I'm still too embarrassed to mention the last. And from The Lighter Side of Graduate School:"You might be a graduate student, if ..." , Part I and Part II. Thanks to Jason Broander of Maroonblog for the tip.

Finally, congratulations to our colleague, Nathanael Robinson, and his wife, Karen. On Friday evening, Elias William Robinson weighed into the world at 7 lbs. 14 ounces. Give proud papa time and he'll have pix up at Rhine River. Young Robinson will grow up multi-lingual. You can count on it.

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